Here are samples of photographs taken over the past twenty years. My photographic interests range from landscapes in the White Mountains and the American West to portraits and near-abstract subjects. Here are galleries of my stereo photographs and my standard 2D pictures. If you like what you see, keep coming back for more. These pictures are deliberately reduced in size and quality; contact me if you are interested in full-resolution versions. Stereo images are presented here in side-by-side and anaglyph formats; other formats are available. EquipmentI used film until early 2001, when I switched almost exclusively to digital. Most photographs up to 1993 were taken with a Pentax Spotmatic SP with a f1.4 50mm lens. Film shots after 1993 were taken with an Olympus 3000 with 38-100mm zoom. Digital photographs in 2001 and 2002 were taken with a Kodak DC3200. In early December 2002 I started using an Olympus C-5050 with an f1.8 zoom lens. The Olympus has an unusual feature: a stereo photography mode that allows two half-frame pictures to be taken in the same frame. This has been a real boost for my stereo photography. In 2003 I bought a Nimslo 3-D camera outfit on eBay. It took me over two years to assemble the equipment for making prints from the Nimslo negatives, but now I can use that camera to take 3-D pictures of moving objects. |